23 things

All posts tagged 23 things

Delicious – social bookmarking & tagging

Published June 29, 2012 by sparkleamina

Have just created a Delicious account!  Didn’t quite understand the principle to start with but I am beginning to get the gist of it!!  From what I am understanding, it is a way of bookmarking your favorite sites online.  Other people can view these links by the tags added to them. 

I have created 2 stacks – one for my fave TV programmes and another for my fave indian serials.  I will be adding more I am sure as I get more into this social bookmarking lark!

My Delicious account and links can be found at


I also created a word cloud using Wordle, although still not understanding the point of this, a link to my word cloud can be viewed on my last post.


Published April 7, 2012 by sparkleamina

I love Facebook, especially now as you can use it on your phone, tablet and of course PC.  It’s easy to post a status by text or using an app.  Even quicker to upload photos, its fantastic.  I use it for personal contact with friends and family and also to promote my facepainting & jewellery business.   People think I’m on Facebook all the time, but actually its so easy to keep up to date that it just seems that way.

Facebook is always changing and updating its procedures and settings, I have set my privacy levels to really close friends & family for photos but any of my ‘friends’ can read my posts.  I have over 200 ‘friends’ but these are a mix of old school classmates, university friends, old work colleagues, mums and dads of my kids friends and of course family & friends.  This is so that when I am posting about doing parties and events, its good for lots of these people to be aware I do facepainting in case they want to book me!!

Find me on facebook personal FB page – amina baksh choudhury (using my married name of Choudhury so people can find me!)  or business FB page – Petite Sparkle

As per the 23 things task I tried locating a Surrey Libraries facebook page. Found Woking & Guildford but they are not being used to their full potential.

Also found the facebook page for the British Library which was much more interesting and lots of useful posts.

Surrey Libraries do have a better presence on Twitter and probably prefer this method as its quick and easy to get important information out to followers.

The disadvantages to Facebook would be there is much more information about followers and their lives than on Twitter. People use Facebook to keep in touch with friends and family and not everyone is up to speed with their privacy settings so anyone can potentially access all their information.

I think it would be good to use as another point of contact and a way to let visitors and followers up to date with events and news about Surrey Libraries.

Happy Easter!

Published April 7, 2012 by sparkleamina

My second post on my blog!!  It’s Easter Saturday and I am at work, not very busy so working through the ’23 things’.  As creating a blog is one of them, I am actually working right now!

It’s the Easter holidays and the weather has been typically British!!  Unpredicatable.  My husband hates this country for its weather, everything else is fine just the weather is his only downer.  He is from Bangladesh, where you know exactly when it will be sunny and hot or rainy and cold, but then if the British weather wasn’t so unknown, conversations with abosolute strangers would be never happen!  You can talk to any random person on the bus or the supermarket queue about the weather and its fantastic. 

I love the school holidays, most parents dread them as its always filled with expensive days out and boredom!  In my house, the word bored is banned along with other words such as shut up, stupid, idiot, i don’t care and hate.  I’m sure there are others but can’t think of them now, will update later if I remember. 

The holidays in my house are about pyjama days, lie ins and just chilling.  My kids love playing all day, no timetable and going to bed late! I love that too, and the thing I do NOT miss is the school run.  Wow, some parents are so stressed during the school run, they just park anywhere without any regard to anyone, just because they have to get their child to school!  Yeah, so do the other millions of parents in the UK!

Anyway, better get back to completing my 23 things, will post soon when another task is complete or maybe before, who knows!!  Have a good day 🙂